Grace Quantum Healing
Welcome to Grace Quantum Healing
My name is Grace, and I invite you to experience this work for yourself. My office is in Richardson, Texas, and I am available by appointment.
You can arrange for a private treatment session, join a healing circle, or attend an introductory lecture/demonstration. I also offer two-day workshops where you can learn more in-depth healing techniques, such as Quantum-Touch® and Healing with Heaven.
Each session is unique, based on individual concerns, but wherever you are in your healing journey, I guarantee that this work will help you discover more ways to open yourself to the well-being that is naturally yours.
The energy healing is at its best with techniques that soothe the mind/ spirit and bring greater harmony to self. You can strengthen your body, clear your mind and experience deep relaxation. It is a powerful work. The stress melts away and hearts open. Welcome to experience it!
The material on this website is intended to be informational only and not a substitute for the services of healthcare professionals. Any application of the methods and modalities described herein is at the reader's discretion, and his/her sole responsibility.
Unless otherwise noted, all photographs copyright by HuiFan Lee.

Grace Quantum Healing

HuiFan Lee (Grace), RN, MSN
About Us
Grace Lee has been working in the field of hospice management for over 13 years and as a registered nurse for over 20 years with experience in various fields of RN including hospice, geriatrics, medical/ surgical, oncology, premature/ neonatal, and pediatrics. She has liked studying natural herbs, foods, and other methods to heal people since her early years. She believes that her spiritual guide leads her to discover Quantum Touch. She would like to change her career to become a quantum touch instructor/ practitioner and help people in a different way.
She has been through life challenge since 2015 and looked over some alternative methods. One of her friends introduced her to Quantum Touch teacher Carol Lee in August 2016. She fell in love with Quantum touch. She started to practice the Quantum Touch healing techniques on her families, relatives, and friends after her first Quantum Touch level I class. She saw lots of amazing results in healing by treating clients with dementia, anxiety, depression, scoliosis, lymphoma, high blood pressure, Uterine fibroids, allergies, and etc. So she decided to become a Quantum-Touch Practitioner and Instructor. She will combine her western and eastern medical knowledge with Quantum Touch to help people.
Quantum-Touch can provide balance, ease, and relief. This technique is not just something I use at work. I incorporate it into my own life as well. It helps my heart to be more open, my mind to be more relaxed, and of course, pain melts away. Come to try it. You'll be amazed at how easily you can bring healing to yourself and to those you love.
Grace's QT Certifications: Certified Instructor for Levels 1 and 2 Quantum-Touch, the Certified practitioner for Self Created Health and Supercharge.
Grace's other Certifications: Certified Assertiveness Coach, Belief Clearing practitioner, and Healing with Heaven.
In addition: Grace has been involved in the healing arts for over 10 years and has taken courses with Raymon Grace, Doreen Virtue, and Carol Lee for Dowsing pendulum, healing with angel and studied Ho'Oponopono, meridian systems, acupuncture, qigong, and Herbs.
The material on this website is intended to be informational only and not a substitute for the services of health care professionals. Any application of the methods and modalities described herein is at the reader's discretion, and his/her sole responsibility.
Unless otherwise noted, all photographs copyright H. F. Lee.
Quantum Healing
How Does Quantum-Touch Energy Healing Work?
Healing is a fascinating process which is generally very poorly understood. Although it may be tempting to believe that we can heal other people, it is of utmost importance to realize that all healing is self-healing. The body has an extraordinary intelligence and ability to heal itself. Given the right energetic, emotional, nutritional, and spiritual environments, the natural state of the body is perfect health. Our favorite definition of a healer is someone who was sick and got well; a great healer is someone who was very sick and got well quickly.
Although all healing is self-healing, we can assist other people to heal with their own healing process.
Quantum-Touch uses life-force energy (known as chi in Chinese and prana in Sanskrit) to facilitate healing. The Quantum-Touch techniques teach us how to focus and amplify life-force energy by combining various breathing and body awareness exercises.
Life-force energy is an effective tool for healing because of the principles of resonance and entrainment. In physics, entrainment theory is the process where two vibrating objects, vibrating at different speeds, start to vibrate at the same speed when energy is transferred between the two objects. Entrainment shows up in chemistry, neurology, biology, medicine, and more. For example, crickets will chirp in unison and fireflies will flash at the same time.
Using the Quantum-Touch techniques, we can create a high frequency of life-force energy. If we place this field of high energy around an area of pain, stress, inflammation, or disease, the body can entrain to the higher frequency, thus amplifying the body's ability to heal itself.
Quantum-Touch actually provides healing energy for the practitioner as well as for the person seeking healing. Using the Quantum-Touch techniques, the practitioner can hold an extraordinarily high vibration; this high vibration not only influences the client but also provides healing energy for the practitioner. Rather than becoming drained form doing healing work, the practitioner will most often feel emotionally uplifted as a result!
In the Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshop, we demonstrate how people can actually dramatically change the taste of wine by directing energy into it! We're definitely affecting the very physics and chemistry of matter.

Quantum Healing 1
Quantum Touch Level 1 Workshop
About Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshops and What You Will Learn
The workshops provide a strong bolt of inspiration; students often get excited enough to change their lives or to bring something new into the world. Students experience how amazingly powerful Quantum-Touch is, how universally and profoundly it helps the people in the room, how wonderful the results are when you give sessions, and how surprisingly much the QT sessions help you. Quantum-Touch instructors provide answers to all of your questions and individual hands-on attention. All the above creates a marvelous, contagious joy and enthusiasm at the workshops.
Some of the things you will learn in a Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop include:
A series of breathing and body awareness exercises to help you focus and amplify life-force energy.
This is the core technique that is used in Quantum-Touch. It is so easy and natural to learn, we've had little children and great grandparents pick it up easily. I’m sure that you will too.How to bring down pain and inflammation in record time.
All by itself, this is an invaluable skill. It seems that there are always people in pain and it is a blessing to have something you can do to really help.You can absolutely observe bones automatically adjusting themselves with a light touch.
Actually, the body moves them into correct alignment. You don’t have to figure it out any more than you need to understand how you digest your breakfast. This may well be the easiest as well as the most effective way to reduce or eliminate back pain.How to help reduce or eliminate back pain and get faster and better results than you have ever thought possible
We have dozens of chiropractors that are now using Quantum-Touch because it is so effective.How to use an extraordinary distant healing method to get truly outstanding results.
When those you love are not near and you want to help, don’t feel helpless because there is something significant you can do. Distant healing with Quantum-Touch is tremendously effective.How to amplify the power of your sessions by work with Chakras, Toning and Vortexing the life-force energy.
This truly ups the power of your sessions tremendously.How to use the Amplified Resonance Technique to turbo charge your own sessions so they have a power similar to a group sessions.
This is the most powerful technique presented in the book, video or basic workshop. This allows individuals to run energy as if they were a whole group of people.How to work with pets and other animals.
It’s a great joy to use this work with animals as they usually respond amazingly well.

Quantum Healing 2
Quantum Touch Level 2 Workshop
Some of the Things You will Learn in a Level 2 Workshop
Discover a New Way to Run Energy
New Abilities
Healing Trauma
Discover Physiological Happiness
Open to Greater Intuitive Ability
New Professional Skills and Income for Practitioners
Open Portals to Wisdom
Open to Greater Love
Amazing New Chakra Discoveries
Use Energy with the Law of Attraction
The Quantum-Touch Meditation
Explore and Enter the New Paradigm

Healing Section
Private Healing Sections
Quantum-Touch® is a form of hands-on healing that allows people to access their own powerful ability to assist others and themselves. Practitioners learn to raise energy levels in their hands so high that with only a light touch, one can see bones gently sliding back into alignment. Pain and inflammation often reduce. Organs and systems rebalance themselves. Stress melts away.
Grace's healing sections include Pain relief, Organs and systems rebalance, stress relief, chakras balance, emotion relief, Beliefs clearing, and mind-body-spirit balance, etc,...
Grace is not only healing with people but also provide distance healing to animals.
Grace Lee is accepting the invitation to the workshop which can be held in your place. Grace has been travel to California, Oklahoma, Texas, and Taiwan for the workshop.
The healing section could be in the clinic, client's home, at the medical facilities, and distance.
Any questions, please welcome to contact Grace through e-mail, text, Line (grlee868), WeChat (Gracelee0424), and phone call.
Opening Hours
Come Visit
Mon - Fri: 10am - 6pm
Sat: 10am - 6pm
Sun: by appointment only